Moving Plants to Outdoor: Tips and Tricks

Moving Plants to Outdoor: Tips and Tricks

You love your indoor plants. You've nurtured them, watered them, and pruned them. You have watched them grow and flourish. 

But now, you feel like they need a change of scenery. 

You want to give them a chance to enjoy the fresh air, the sunshine, and the breeze. You want to move them outside.

But wait! 

Before you grab your pots and head for the door, you need to know something crucial. Moving your plants outside is not as simple as it sounds. It requires careful planning, preparation, and timing. 

If you do it wrong, you could end up harming or killing your plants.


Because plants are sensitive to environmental changes, they need time to adjust and acclimate to new conditions, like temperature, humidity, light, and wind. 

If you expose them to sudden or drastic changes, they could experience shock, stress, or damage, leading to wilting, drooping, or loss of leaves. And just like when your immune system is low, plants in distress are more vulnerable to pests and diseases.

So, how do you avoid these problems? How do you know when to take plants outside

Simple, you read our guide! 

We're sharing expert tips and tricks on when and how to move plants outside. 

Let's get started!

When to Take Plants Outside: The Golden Rule

The first and most important thing you need to know about when to take plants outside is following the seasons. 

Plants have natural cycles that depend on the seasons. They have different needs and responses depending on the time of the year. 

For example, some plants go dormant in winter, while others bloom in spring. Some plants prefer cool weather, while others love the heat.

So, you must match your plants' preferences with the outdoor climate. Only move them outside when the weather suits their growth and development needs. 

The best time to move your plants outside is usually in late spring or early summer, when the danger of frost has passed, and the temperatures are mild and stable. 

This is when most plants are ready to resume their active growth and enjoy longer days and warmer nights. 

However, as we've said, not all plants are the same. So, the best thing to do is to research your specific plants and their needs. 

Once you've determined when to take plants outside, prepare them for the move. 

How to Pack Plants for Moving Outdoor: The Essential Steps

It's a bit of a process, but here are tips on how to pack them properly and carefully for moving outdoors. 

Prune Them 

Pruning not only helps your plants look better and healthier, but also stimulates new growth.  

But before you start cutting away to your heart's content, note the following. 

  • Prune your plants before you move them outdoors. Pruning can stress your plants and make them more vulnerable to shock. 
  • Always use clean, sharp tools, like scissors, shears, or knives, to make clear and precise cuts. 
  • Remove any dead, damaged, or diseased parts of your plants.
  • Cut back any overgrown or leggy branches. This encourages new growth and improves air circulation. 
  • Do not prune more than a third of your plants at a time.

Harden Them Off

Gradually expose your plants to the outdoor conditions so they can adapt and acclimate. 

Do this at least a week before moving them outside permanently. 

  • Place your plants in a sheltered spot outside, such as a porch, a balcony, or a patio, for a few hours a day. 
  • Increase the duration and intensity of the exposure each day until your plants can tolerate the full sun, wind, and temperature. 
  • Remember to monitor your plants closely and protect them from extreme or adverse weather.

Repot Them

Repotting, as the name suggests, is moving your plant to a slightly bigger pot. It's important to do this, so your plant can have more space and nutrients. 

Repot your plants not just when moving them, but when the soil is old and depleted and when they've outgrown their current pot. 

Repotting can be a bit messy, but it's straightforward. 

  • Choose a new pot that is bigger and deeper than the current one. Also, ensure it has drainage holes! 
  • Fill the pot two-thirds of the way with a fresh and fertile potting mix. Make a bed for the plant in the soil. 
  • Gently remove the plant from its current pot, shake off excess soil, and untangle roots if needed. 
  • Place the plant in the soil bed in the new pot so it's centred and stable. 
  • Fill the remaining space with your potting soil mix and press it firmly around the roots. 
  • Water it thoroughly until water drains out the holes. 

How to Care for Your Plants Outside: The Best Practices

Choose the Right Location

First things first, find an optimal space outside that matches your plant's needs. 

Consider the direction, duration, and intensity of the sun exposure, as well as the wind, rain, and humidity levels. Avoid placing your plants in areas that are too shady, sunny, dry, or wet. 

You might have to move your plants around first to find their optimal conditions.

Water Them 

Don't forget to water your plants regularly! Keep them hydrated but not overwatered.

Check the soil moisture by inserting your finger or a stick into the soil. If the top 2 cm of soil feels dry, it's time for them to get a drink. 

Watering Tips: 

  • Water your plants deeply and thoroughly until the water drains out of the holes. 
  • Avoid watering your plants in the middle of the day, when the sun is too hot and water evaporates quickly. 
  • Best practice is to water your plants in the morning or evening when the sun is low, and the water can soak in slowly.

Feed Them 

They also need food to grow. Look for a balanced, organic fertilizer and follow the packet's instructions. 

Be careful not to over-fertilize your plants, which can burn their roots or leaves or cause excessive growth.

Only fertilize your plants during their active growing season, usually spring and summer.

Where to Find Beautiful and Healthy Plants?

Before you can move your plants outside, you need to have plants. The best place to find beautiful, healthy plants and pots is Terra Plants & Flowers

We have a wide selection of indoor and outdoor plants, flowers, and accessories for all occasions and purposes. 

Best of all, we offer online plant delivery services in Ottawa and surrounding areas, so you can order your plants and flowers from the comfort of your home.

H4: Visit us today, browse our catalogue, and place your order

You can also follow us on social media for the latest updates, tips, and promotions.